Triad of Infamy

United in Chaos

Alina Helvig

RP Hooks

  1. she speaks with a heavy thavnarian accent recognizable as such.

  2. she runs a shipping and trade company named enchanting ventures based out of thavnair with a branch in limsa and kugane

  3. depending on one's strength of will, one may find themselves compelled to remain at her side after prolonged conversation

  4. once in a while, one may find her speaking to her mate in one of two languages, one draconic, the other completely unknown to anyone on the star.

  5. there was a period of time when a sudden surge of heart attacks occurred among key members of the syndicate in ul'dah. she may have been responsible for them.

  6. she may occasionally be seen in ishgard vising one particular noble's home

  7. on the rare occasion one finds her singing, one cannot help but listen and may become inexplicably drawn to her

  8. she always smells of tropical beaches


  age.    30
  race.    siren
  gender.     female
  pronouns.     she/her
  sexuality.     straight
  height.     5'9"
  weight.     140 lbs
  hair color.     blonde
  eye color.     oceanic blue
  notable features.     several tattoos, thavnarian accent, large fish tail and fins on either side of her head
  job occupation.    commodities trader
  place of origin.     thavnair (or so she says)
  home.   kugane
  marital status.     bonded

Lynaline Regner

RP Hooks

  1. she's always throwing her gil around and can often be found fidgeting with a coin in her fingers

  2. she speaks with a high isgardian accent despite her clearly half-breed looks and coloring

  3. her skin is always extremely hot to the touch though she feels unaffected by it

  4. she smells of deep forest or of her mate's forge

  5. she's mostly a vegetarian but will eat meat if it's been properly hunted and blessed

  6. she disappears during a full moon

  7. during any solstice or equinox she will more often than not be found in the dravinian forests

  8. she runs a small antiquities shop named natural treasures which has a wide assortment of replicas of priceless cultural items or are they?


  age.    24
  race.    half ishgardian
  gender.     female
  pronouns.     she/her
  sexuality.     straight
  height.     5'9"
  weight.     128 lbs
  hair color.     fiery red
  eye color.     springtime green
  notable features.     several tattoos, noble ishgardian accent, elven ears much smaller and thinner than a typical elezen
  job occupation.    shop keep dealing in antiquities and rare difficult to procure items, procurement services are also available upon request and by appointment
  place of origin.     ishgard
  home.   ishgard
  marital status.     illegally bonded

Tryx E'va


  age.    unknown
  race.    void lord
  gender.     female
  pronouns.     she/her
  sexuality.     omni
  height.     5'1"
  weight.     115 lbs
  hair color.     black
  eye color.     void gold
  notable features.     several tattoos that shift around her body as if alive.
  job occupation.    matchmaker
  place of origin.     troia
  home.   coerthas
  marital status.     confusion

RP Hooks

  1. she looks identical to the deceased wife of Alina and Ulfsteinn Helvig, Trixionne

  2. she speaks with a noble ishgardian accent

  3. she can be found in a small seemingly abandoned hamlet in coerthas

  4. those who deeply want something have a way of finding her

  5. there may be rumors circulating of someone in the wartorn areas of coerthas who can grant any wish

  6. there is a very little foul-mouthed, angry bunny that trails at her heels trying to get her attention and fix her right, this bunny considers herself to be vieran despite that shes much smaller than the average lalafell

  7. she runs a small shop in ishgard named the wishing well. the shop provides match making services and other unique services by appointment only.